Governor marks October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Governor Hochul on October 1, 2022, officially declared October Domestic Violence Awareness month. ...
Racial Justice Statement
Please read the Erie County Coalition Against Family Violence's Racial Justice Statement in support of Black Lives...
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Join ECCAFV and member programs as we recognize October as DV Awareness Month! 10/3/18: Haven House's Turn the Peace...
Join Cities for CEDAW – Buffalo Campaign!
The Cities for CEDAW-Buffalo Campaign is an initiative of a coalition of gender rights advocates and allied...
Why Some Survivors Minimize Their Abuse
When this coping mechanism can be a good thing As an abuse survivor, have you ever said to yourself or someone else:...
Survivor Story: Anna
Enduring dating abuse in her 20s influenced what she wants her kids to know now Dating someone in her 20s who was...
The Color Purple
How the hue became associated with the movement to end domestic violence Ever wonder how a cause chooses what color to...
Barriers to Leaving, Part 3
Did any of these prevent you from walking out the door? Survivors of domestic violence from any and all socioeconomic...
8 Confidence Boosters
Improve your self-esteem by trying one of these each week Maybe you’re recovering from a domestic violence situation,...
Spoiling Your Kids the Right Way
Why parents shouldn’t worry about nurturing children too much after escaping domestic violence Leaving an abusive...