Join an ECCAFV Committee. Contact us if you are interested in joining a committee.
- Advocacy Committee
- The ECCAFV Advocacy Committee educates members, and local and state legislators on various legislation that effects victims of family violence.
- Education and Training Institute Committee
- The ECCAFV Education and Training Institute was developed in 2005 as a part of the ECCAFV strategic plan goal to promote community education about domestic violence (DV). Trainings are held on general, basic “DV Essentials” as well as advanced topics such as teen dating violence, DV in the LGBT community, the Oppression Model and DV, and legal services for victims of domestic violence. All ECCAFV trainings are open to the community. Trainings generally require a small fee which includes food and materials. Paid members of the ECCAFV receive a discounted rate for trainings (agencies receive discount for up to 5 staff members).
- Membership Committee
- The ECCAFV Membership committee works to ensure the membership of the Coalition is diverse, vibrant, informed and engaged by conducting outreach, providing networking opportunities and offering member development trainings at membership meetings. The annual membership drive takes place in the summer and early fall.
- Domestic Violence Awareness Month Planning Committee
- National Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM), October, is dedicated to mourning those who have died because of domestic violence, celebrating those who have survived, and connecting those who work to end violence. During October, the ECCAFV coordinates and supports many events throughout the Western New York community. The ECCAFV also creates the DVAM Calendar for the community.
- Accessibility Committee
- The Accessibility Committee was established in 2021 and was created to address accessibility barriers to services that still exist. The committee reviews cases where survivors faced barriers and recommends changes to policies/procedures to remove those barriers and address gaps.